Sunday, 30 May 2010

Heptonstall Cragging 30/05/10

After the rain yesterday we were relieved to awake and see the wind was blowing, the sun was shining and the roads were dry! We met up with Adam and headed to Heptsontall, which has a multitude of routes in the Severe-HVS range which were all of excellent quality. The day's antics started on Fairy Steps Direct which gave a long and varied pitch of continually interesting climbing, I then followed Adam up Main Line, before battling my way inelegantly up the awesome Whillans classic Curving Crack. Adam put on a great show to overcome the roof and mantle on Boo Boo Roof before wandering up Pulpit Route which had a different feel to the other routes in the quarry. I then got back under the roof and ascended Grindlay's Grunt on lead with some grunting and general hilarity, before finishing the day with the three star classic Bull's Crack which gave ameanable climbing up the enjoyable lay-back crack. A fantastic day at a great crag with lots of good climbing, hopefully a theme to be continued into next week in Wales.

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